HE DENIES IT NOW!! Wait until T-rumps' Mara Lago estate starts to have tidal flooding problems... and watch DJT and his cadre of lawyers hold their little orange hands out and hit up you and your tax dollars for dealing with 'building another wall' in order to 'PROTECT A HISTORICAL SITE' against flooding.
It's not just Mar-a-Lago but by the end of the century NYC will be in a world of hurt.
But the fact is the Republican Party is in the petroleum industry's back pocket...which is too bad considering the earliest congressional hearings on climate change were held in the Republican-controlled Senate in the 1980s.
ReplyDeleteWait until T-rumps' Mara Lago estate starts to have tidal flooding problems... and watch DJT and his cadre of lawyers hold their little orange hands out and hit up you and your tax dollars for dealing with 'building another wall' in order to 'PROTECT A HISTORICAL SITE' against flooding.
Very true!
ReplyDeleteIt's not just Mar-a-Lago but by the end of the century NYC will be in a world of hurt.
ReplyDeleteBut the fact is the Republican Party is in the petroleum industry's back pocket...which is too bad considering the earliest congressional hearings on climate change were held in the Republican-controlled Senate in the 1980s.
Unfortunately for us taxpayers, Trump has a government backed insurance package that will repair and or replace Mar-A-Largo if damaged by flooding.