Who is Who in the Montréal Fashion Scene
This season’s Fashion Week (October 2012) was your most radical, most playful, and perhaps the most spectacular runway show to date. You put male models in high heels, used theatrical make-up and synthetic wigs, you had trans-gendered models, and your show managed to push the gender and race boundaries in a way that was both stunning and entertaining. What were your ideas and motivations for this kind of spectacle?
Denis Gagnon: I decided to make up such a show because the resources were reduced and I can always count on my friends to help me. I’ve been in this transgender-cosmopolite scene forever (or almost) and I thought this category of people had a place in a show. They are creative and people used to being part of shows and this had never been done before in Montreal. I thought it was about time for an innovative show, with different “models”.
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