
Sunday, July 16, 2023

8th Anniversary


July 16, 2015

From this very modest post eight years ago to today, my "Because" has not changed.  Over the years I have discussed the potential why, the fun, the complications, the news, the success stories, fashion, and the exhilaration that "Escapes" convey.  Read my "Free" post from December 2015, to understand my "ESCAPE" tag.  

The numbers: There have been 2922 days since I started and there is a total of 2,936 published posts. There have been 4,251,922 Blog views.  On average currently about 2,000 per-day. I have published 3,100 comments that you have sent with numerous e-mails also received. My "Survey Tab" provides me with much insight into what you like/dislike; thank you.   

Thomas Jefferson

This blog would be nothing without you, my loyal readers, I have likened writing a blog to being on the radio; you are speaking but have no clue if anyone is listening. I value your comments so much. Even if you disagree I will always publish what you say. Sometimes just an "I am here" lets me know that the blog is seen. Thank you!

Every time I consider giving up, some relevant news story happens that is critical to our community. 

 It is "the best of times and the worst of times".  The best - we are still free to "Escape" and be our true- selves. Exercise that freedom!  The worst - some want us to be invisible or not exist. We will not let that happen. Be strong! Be visible! Be pretty!

 Be yourself!

Here's  to another Eight Years.


  1. Congratulations and thanks for 8 years of keeping in touch, giving us hope, encouragement and fashion advise!

  2. Your blog is awesome! Keep it up❤️❤️❤️đŸ„°

  3. Congratulations on 8 years! Thank you so much for the enjoyable and informative posts you have made. They have very often been an inspiration to me. Lauren

  4. Thank you for your wonderful blog! To many more years!
