About a week before my Los Angeles trip I had found that "Always Patsy Cline" was playing at the Sierra Madre Playhouse. Having seen a similar rendition of this play locally and enjoying it, I made plans to see it while in LA. It did not disappoint and in fact was outstanding.
What an amazing voice the lead Cori Cable Kidder has! That evening the quaint and historic playhouse was completely full. I love the music and have always felt a certain affinity to Patsy Cline's signature song "Crazy". Also for anyone that loves the feminine clothing of the the 50's you are really in for a treat. The costumes are adorable. YouTube Music Here

My enjoyment was added to by sharing it with Susie and her partner. What a fun conclusion to a day of exhausting shopping. I loved every minute of it. Thank you Susie!
I don't think anyone noticed a thing about Susie and I either at dinner the previous night, shopping or the play. If you read this and the play has not closes, do get tickets and enjoy. A lesson to be learned: Get out! Live your life! Have fun! Escape!
Susie - What a wonderful host!
Regarding the last two posts... Great food, beautiful surroundings, enjoyable theatre, and a companionable friend, you do know how to "escape" with panache!