I want to give a good shout-out to the Southern Comfort Transgender Conference (SCTC) and the Riverside Hotel staff for an outstanding Conference. I am not sure the resources the conference staff had, however they pulled it off. Outstanding job!
Broward County Tourism (Fort Lauderdale) supported the event again and spoke about how happy they are to have us in attendance. I ask and was told about 125 were registered; a decent turnout. Plus I saw name badges to be picked up for the Saturday only registration. That was a nice for all of the Florida locals.
I ask several times if there would be a next year? I was told, YES. We shall see. I will try and stay informed as to future SCTC conferences. If it happens - See you next year?
I had some very good thought-provoking comments on the blog as to the relevance of conferences like SCTC. I thank you for the comments.
Again I want to thank all of the attendees that came up to me and mentioned they were readers of the blog. That made my day. Enjoy the photos; Some I took and others are from the SCTC Facebook page.
One other note: Dr. Mardirossian (FFS Surgeon) had the best-attended seminar that we have put together. We had lots of questions and interest.
How big was SCC when it was in Atlanta? I never went but I have gone to First Event has been running close to 1000.