
Friday, June 7, 2019

Friends Friday - Mercedes Club Wine Tasting

Drew Feinberg
On May 18 my Mercedes Club, Road Star Section, event was held at a very unique place. This was our last event of the '18-'19 season.  We will start back again in October with new and interesting events. 

This event was held at The Wine Storage facility in Palm Beach Gardens, Fl. To say this was a unique experience and place is an understatement. We were treated to a wine tasting of various selected wines. Along with that was served very tasty cheeses and finger food. 

Each wine was accompanied by a description provided by "Your Personal  Concierge and Source for Fine Wine", Drew Feinberg.  He is the on-site manager for the wine storage vaults and resident Sommelier. He curated our sections and described each wine as we were tasting. Annette Matika, of "Art - Fine Wine and Spirits", provided the wine. Thank you both.  

  Climate Controlled Wine Storage Lockers   
After the wine tasting, we were given a tour of the wine storage lockers. These lockers range in sizes holding 20 cases up to walk in lockers holding 1000’s of wine bottles. All the lockers are made of beautiful solid mahogany wood, each locker is electronically locked and individual leased. Access to the facility is 24 hours, so if you wake up in the middle of the night in need of a taste of Dom Pérignon 2009, you can hop into your Maybach and motor down to your locker; uniquely Palm Beach. The facility is humidity and temperature controlled, with multiple backup generators, perfect for wine storage. 

This was one of the most interesting places Road Star has ever visited. We had about 50 people attending. Thanks for arranging this Linda & Barry. What a fun Escape evening and fun conclusion to a great club season.    


  1. Thanks for pics of the event. Of the two pics that feature you, the rear shot showing your wonderful, beautifully coiffed, full head of hair is really great, as many of 'us' have 'male pattern baldness' and age related thinning.
    Yours, jealously, --and 'follically challenged'--

    1. Thanks Velma for the complement (and comment) - I was not sure anyone would notice.

  2. I always notice your hair Rhonda!

  3. See? I TOLD you so!
    BTW, I found my wig that matches your hair color, -a short bob cut with cropped bangs, and I wore it to our CD-TG support group meeting this day, the first time ever, (Sat. 06/08).... I paired the hair color with light pearl colored oversize lens eye-glasses. Compliments a many....
    Sorry, I did not get a pic...
