I feature this look a lot. It is functional, works and can be feminine based how you work with it. The blog "Dressed For My Day by Kay Harms" (Kay's Photo above) featured Modern Jeans + White Button-up Shirt. What is really interesting about Kay's post is that she featured "High-end vs Low-end" pricing similar to my "Price is Right-Wrong" post, Kay has some great suggestion on putting this look together. Side note: I love her hair.
I personally use this as my "Dress For My Day" look. For many years I felt that hiding behind an ultra-feminine mask would be my cover. With my "over-the-top" feminine look, no one would ever suspect that I am femulating. WRONG! Today, as I observe at the mall, most women are casual; only a few dresses and skirts. However they are still feminine in their appearance and this is a presentation that I want to represent. With the outfit above, I blend in and fulfill my needs as well. My question to you - why not?
There is no right or wrong way to this look. Take your time. Mix-match add-subtract until you are happy and comfortable. Also a look that is a great segue from a male based presentation to the other; with "Feminine Differentials".
Enjoy and ESCAPE"!
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