McBride has accused Republicans of trying to distract “from what they’re actually doing,” saying the party is trying to scapegoat trans people while going after other policies.
Sarah is the voice Delaware needs in Congress
“Every single time we hear them say the word ‘trans,’ look what they’re doing with their right hand,” McBride told CBS News on Sunday. “Look at what they’re doing to pick the pocket of American workers, to fleece seniors by privatizing Social Security and Medicare.”
This is so true this is just A way to distract the American people from what they’re doing last time Trump was an office. The big fear was Muslims and Muslim bands that doesn’t work anymore so now that’s transgender person says the new boogie man if it’s not transgender person they distract us with other culture war distractions, the 10 Commandments in school flagburning merry Christmas versus happy holidays. These are just triggers emotional subjects to distract you from their failures to provide effective government government for the American people. Paula G
ReplyDeleteI'll bet that Sarah has a game plan for bathroom visits - if only to force visibility of how she's being treated. But then, she knows the game the GOP is playing, and doesn't want to take our eyes off the real game they are playing.
ReplyDeleteWhy is this important? Smart trans people know that they will not get immediate acceptance by the American public. Look at how long it took for same-sex marriage to be accepted. We all know gay/lesbian people, and only think of their sexuality in passing - the older we are, the more we are reminded that our definition of marriage has become more inclusive. Some trans people, like Sarah, will take some abuse so that the rest of us can claim our rights.
Is it right that the GOP singles out Sarah? Definitely not. They want for us to ignore "Project 2025", something which will hurt all Americans. We can not let this happen, and Ms. McBride understands this. She is willing to "take one for the team", and we must not let her sacrifices be in vain.
Hopefully, Danica Roem will soon consider running for congress....
The voters seemed to be distracted by issues they had about a zero chance of encountering. These culture wars are a total distraction away from real issues that do affect peoples every day. The state of Utah went nuts with its war against trans kids playing sports in high school. Of the 84,000 high school kids playing on organized teams there were four trans kid of whom only one was a transwoman. From what I read, we can look forward to GOP inspired cultural wars with Trump wanting a law or proclamation that there are "two sexes."
ReplyDeletePerfect words!
ReplyDeleteRhonda, I have been thinking about this over the last several days. Some in our community have been critical of Ms. McBride. I think that they are missing the point in her response. As mentioned in this article, she was elected to represent Delaware. This is true but I think her actions speak more strongly to what our overall goal need be. By being on the national stage, sticking to the job at hand and ignoring the attempts to make her the issue, she will eventually succeed at projecting the fact that she is a normal human being who is doing the job she was expected to do. In the long run, projecting normality to the public will, IMHO, do more for our status than fighting with a bigoted woman who is seeking to get her moment in the spotlight.