
Monday, December 16, 2024

What Does It Mean To Be Feminized?

 It is easier to feminize yourself or have someone else do it?  

What an interesting scenario. I firmly believe that Forced Feminization (FF) only exist in the fertile minds of transgender fiction writers.  Although I am sure that here have been frustrated mothers that have fantasized about turning their unruly boy into a girl. However, not to spoil a good story line, legally in this political climate, an unwilling minor would be considered a victim.

So, long story short, I am an advocate for self feminization. To trap oneself into feminine roles that may or may not provide easy escape routes is a viable option. Still in full control, you have committed to being yourself a little outside of your normal comfort zone.

1993 - Proof of Concept 
Photo shoot
I have used this method to boost my courage when trepidation would have stopped me. On several of my first forays in public as Rhonda, I was amazed that the world did not end, and there were not lynch mobs forming. Let’s do this again. 

What did I do: I made an appointment to get my hair / nails done.  I made an appointment to have a State ID made with my feminine image. I worked with a woman that knew of my crossdressing, and we made a date to be "ladies-that-lunch".  I made an appointment with a professional photographer to have a “proof of concept / look” portfolio done with several outfits.  

See the trap. I had committed to situations where others were involved and felt the necessity to live out the commitment. Never was there a negative experience. 

Stay tuned; I will explain how I have recently  restarted my software business. This time as a female entrepreneur. 

When I was very young and still living as a guy, I took trips with only women’s clothes in my suitcase. That meant I was all dressed up, in make-up and heels, went to the airport and then I would spend a week in another city. At that point it was clear that I had to pass [be out]. There were only skirts in the suitcase. To get my breakfast in the morning, I had to be presentable as a woman.

Later, I threw away all my men’s clothing. I had shopped women’s thing for a while with quite an impressive wardrobe like many crossdressers. One day I brought everything which looked like man and all unisex pieces to the thrift store. So, it is Monday morning, you need to go to your university class and the only thing in your wardrobe are ladies pants, blouses and feminine tops. No way out, you need to go out like this.

I shaped my eyebrows in a real nice feminine arch. This plus a feminine haircut plus color somehow added another element. You can’t look very masculine with this and you cannot take if off anymore. [trapped]

I build guardrails for myself in this process to guide me away from masculine behaviors. The interesting part here regarding feminization, is something that I call the uphill-downhill effect. At first, feminization is an uphill trip. Every step costs a lot of effort. People and your own mind want to push you back to masculine and you need a lot of effort and discipline to push yourself to feminine. Once you are over the hill, society pushes you towards more feminine. From that point on feminization works on autopilot.



  1. Rhonda, I remember an episode of The Donahue show where he had a guest couple on that included the husband in a skirt/dress. Donahue asked why he was dressed as he was and his reply was that his wife insisted that he wear woman's clothing all the time. Donahue really pushed him on that and the husband would not change his story. Donahue was seldom if ever in the sensational mode unlike Springer et. al. So I would tend to believe that the wife was feminizing her husband.

  2. I once had to drive a long way to deliver a kid to a weeklong camp. Instead of driving home and back and home again, I stayed at a hotel in town near the camp and worked from my laptop went out at night. I only took clothing articles people would call "women's clothes" ... dresses, skirts, heels, boots, bikinis, makeup.

    It was so freeing because I already made the choice when I was packing my bags. Not really forced because I picked, and you always have an escape hatch ... just go to a store and buy some "men's clothes," but "forced" because it's so much easier to just get dressed with what you have in your bag.

    No problems. Just fun and expression.

    Now, I call my clothes all "men's clothes" because I'm a man and they're my clothes. And I wear dresses, skirts, and gowns almost all the time. Sometimes I wear my men's makeup and men's lipstick.
