My day at work proceeded normally; meetings and database work. I sent an
e-mail to HR asking that we meet and discuss the E-Verify notice.
At that meeting I explained concisely why I am not going to change my Social Security (SSA) records due to retirement payments, and medicare coverage. The danger of coverage disruption outweighed my need to be employed at this time.
Last evening I did my research and learned quite a bit about
the E-Verify process. Yes some states require E-Verify; Some companies doing business
with the federal government are mandated to use the system and some employers voluntarily
use it. Although the requirement is real
and the requirement to close every open case is mandated, there are not laws
in place to mandate how the cases must be closed - At this time!
It is a tool of intimation. It provides an employer grounds to terminate an undocumented employee (new
hire) with disputed identification. And
that is the first option presented in resolving an open case.
There are two other options that can be used as well:
- [Company] will continue to employ [Employee Name]
- Neither of the option above apply. I am closing this case for a different reason. (Other)
In my case, I laid all my cards on the table (so to speak) providing all needed documentation. I was already "outed" so no reason to withhold now. I mentioned to HR there are options other than termination, however, fully acknowledged they would be with their right to proceed with immediate termination. That did not happen and HR is likely going to pursue one of the other options. I will know more in a few days.
My opinion, E-Verify at this time is an intimidation or bullying tool. Today I stood up to the bully and we shall see how this plays out. As long as one can provide the legal proof that I-9 requires, E-Verify closure should not be a problem.
I apologize for the blog being so drama laden for the last two days. We shall return to regular programming soon. Thanks for all the e-mail support and comments. Rhonda does have fiends.