
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Louisa May Alcott May Have Been Transgender

Little Women author Louisa May Alcott 'may have been transgender or non-binary' and her 1868 book contains 'proof', New York Times article claims

PUBLISHED: 10:20 EST, 27 December 2022 

Louisa May Alcott 

The author of feminist novel Little Women may have been transgender or identified as non-binary, an article by a trans New York Times writer has claimed.

Louisa May Alcott, who penned the semi-autobiographical book in 1868, likely did not identify as a woman, according to the president of the Louisa May Alcott Society.

Quoted in the New York Times, Dr Gregory Eiselein says he is 'certain' that the author of the popular novel identified as non-binary, and that she never fit 'a binary sex-gender model'.

The NYT article author, Peyton Thomas - who is a trans man and novelist himself - goes on to claim that Alcott could have even been transgender.

In the opinion piece, Mr Thomas draws on a quote given by Alcott in the early 1880s, where she says:

"I am more than half-persuaded that I am a man's soul, put by some freak of nature into a woman's body".

He writes: 'She may not have known the word "transgender", but she certainly knew the feeling it describes.'

He also draws on her journal entries, in which she wrote: 'I long to be a man,' while in a letter she penned: 'I was born with a boy's nature, 'a boy's spirit' and 'a boy's wrath.' 

For decades, academics have shied away from arguing that Alcott was transgender, stating it would be an inappropriate use of the term. 

Many have rightly agreed that a woman in that era wanting to be a 'man' is more likely them desiring to be taken more seriously in terms of rank, opportunity, and education - rather than a want to change gender. 

Monday, January 30, 2023

The Skater Skirt

"Skater skirts got their name from their resemblance to the dresses worn by figure skaters. Their hemline sits just above the knees, and they are usually high-waisted.  A skater skirt is a flared variant of an A-line skirt that is shorter and ends above the knees. Sometimes seen as a mini-skirt."  Stylecraze on how to wear a Skater Skirt.

On the Stylecraze site there are 25 Cute Skater Skirt Outfits Ideas. I only wish one of the photos showed someone in my age group; Oh well.  "Bravely go..." 

Twiggy 1960's
I found the photo above while searching for information on the former J. Crew CEO Jenna Lyons. She is on the left. Looking at that photo, I fell n love with the woman's outfit on the right. Could I look that good?  I have the white hair. 

She is wearing a long sweater / tunic top that drops well below her hips and a classic white skater skirt. The simplicity and feminine differential is lovely.  

Could I wear that outfit? Let's face fact. It is well below my age-appropriate threshold, but cute. So off I went to Amazon and found CoCo Women's Basic Versatile Stretchy Flared Casual Mini Skater Skirt. Oh my, it is  actually called a mini-skirt. At least I would not break the bank to trying it ($15.68).   

Most of us are part of the mini-skirt revolution and remember the stir that Twiggy made with her mini. I loved it when the girls at my high school emulated the look. They had legs!

See the History of the Mini Skirt

My legs have trimmed out with the weight loss and are still in reasonably good shape with walking. The part of the Amazon description missing was the length. Still "unencumbered by the thought process", I ordered. It is cute and has an elastic waist that makes the fit easy. With my long covering blue sweater (already in my closet) I am going to give it a try. There is no denying that it is well above m knee.  

I will keep you posted and hope someone comes to my rescue when the fashion police charge me with being age-inappropriate in public.  Florida already has the "the voting police", so could the fashion police be far behind. The charge,  "Crossdressing as a teen."  Wish me luck! 

Feel free to add your comments on the mini or the above look.

PS: Stana, I wish you well in your surgery today!



Sunday, January 29, 2023

Political Week In Review 1-29-2023


Quora: Who is a bigger liar, Donald Trump or George Santos?

Politico 1/25/23 - Speaker Kevin McCarthy briefly addressed the most scandal-plagued member of his conference on Wednesday, privately telling House Republicans that George Santos will continue to serve unless something triggers his removal.  [So what will it take?] 

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Friday, January 27, 2023

Guest Post - An Observation

By Janet L. Stickney

My Note: Thank you Janet for sharing your outlook.  A  beautiful earned success story. 

How is it that for so many of us, the very first time we tried on some item of feminine apparel we know. We know that our unknown path forward has changed, usually we do not know how the change will affect us or why, we just know it to be true. Time and age are constant, but the urges seem to grow stronger when we gain the age of understanding, normally in our teen age years. The brashness of our youth allowing us to assume that we can beat the odds and get all dolled up and nobody will know. That always fails and always lead to a consequence we may or may not have anticipated.

Some of us were blessed with mothers that did not care and let us do as we wanted, or some that willingly helped us achieve our goal of looking like a girl. For those with a modest build it can be less hard, but for those of us that are too big, too hairy, too obviously masculine, that desire is problematic. I had a mother that helped me, not a lot, but some, and when I was a teenager that was a big deal. Openness in the T community was just beginning and I rode the wave so to speak. I was going out when I was 15, and by the time I was 18 I had managed to go many places without any trouble, and since teenage girl are assumed to have a boyfriend, I had a friend who is a boy, and he was with me many times. He wanted a lot more than what he got.

But that is me, and many of our sisters did not enjoy that opportunity, and they suffered those lonely times alone as they sought out their inner girl in safety. Then, as time goes by jobs, family, and responsibilities gain momentum and our girl fades to the back, unless a party allows you to display her and you gain a few moments of bliss. Then we hide her again, from everyone except ourselves when she creeps into our dreams, demanding that we let her out yet again. Very few of us, regardless of what you may see online, actually give up everything, family, a job, friends and neighbors just to transition. A few manage to cope with all the changes but many cannot. I am one of those that could. I had the right kind of job, I had the ability and the money to make the transition but I elected to stay the way I am. Turned out to be the right decision for me.

I only speak for myself, but I was a founding member of one of the largest clubs for us in the country with up to 300 + members. I was the very first President and served as an officer until I retired. In that capacity I met many very nice people from all walks of life, and gained many friends. I am approaching the end of my time, and my only concern is that I can give hope to those that struggle. I know that I share that outlook with many of our sisters. As you evaluate your desires, do what you know is right, not that stupid thought that tries to gain your attention and can only lead to problems. There are many of us that manage to look age appropriate when we go out. I am in my mid seventies now, so becoming an ingenue is out. I'm more the nice looking grandma. I even have the silver hair now. That means that in order to go out and have a fun time, dress and act your age. That teen girl look on anyone who is not a teen is probably not going to work out well. Finger pointing and laughing is not what anyone wants.

For those of us that have suffered the pain and anguish of trying to avoid what we know is true. Failing, and then succumbing to it, when the night is darkest, the tears are flowing, and you find no solace in that cute red dress you have on, think of the joy your family, friends, children and your God bring you. If we let our devotion to our needs surpass them, we will have failed both them, and ourselves. They are our strength. Many of the descriptions are from my own road to understanding myself, and now, at last, peace. The shame, embarrassment, humiliation, and confusion are familiar to me, as maybe they are to you. I know they are weak descriptions, but trying to describe the essence of our being is like trying to describe the color magenta to a blind man. If I may, I will borrow and corrupt a phrase: 

Go in Peace, then Prosper.

Janet Stickney     

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Miss Gay America Pageant

Might Have to Leave Arkansas Soon

By Johnny Levanier
January 25, 2023

Since its induction fifty years ago, the Miss Gay America Pageant has held several events in Little Rock, Arkansas, celebrating drag in a part of the country where it is needed most. But a recent homophobic bill is now forcing the group to seek a new location

The Language in the bill is sweeping.

Under the measure, a “drag performance” is defined as one in which an individual exhibits a gender identity that is different from their sex assigned at birth “using clothing, makeup, or other accessories that are traditionally worn by members of and are meant to exaggerate the gender identity of the performer’s opposite sex.”

The Arkansas legislature has proposed Senate Bill 43, which would classify drag as adult-oriented entertainment if passed. This would make drag illegal in any venue where it can be seen by a minor, regardless of the content of the performance. Whether or not the bill actually passes, the mere discussion of it is enough to give venue owners cold feet.

Starting in 1995, the pageant has used Robinson Center in Little Rock as its venue. With over 200 performers, the pageant needs the big stage this concert hall provides. Recently, Mad Angel Entertainment, the company that puts on the pageant, was all set to renew their contract through 2026 when the Robinson Center pulled back.

“They were like, ‘We don’t know what this bill is going to do. We don’t know if you should sign because we don’t want to sign a contract and then push you away,’” Michael Dutzer, CEO and executive producer of Mad Angel Entertainment, told NBC affiliate KARK News. 

“Now we’re looking at moving to another city because we don’t know what the future of the show would be here,” Dutzer said.

The news comes only days after the 51st Miss Gay America, Tatiyanna Voche, was crowned. The very first Miss Gay America, Little Rock business owner Norma Kristie, was crowned in 1972, barely three years after the Stonewall riots.

Dutzer spoke to legislators in opposition of the bill, laying out the economic benefits of the pageant. “We bring a lot of people in for this, and we spend a lot of money here,” he explained. Specifically, they spend over $70,000 just to put on the show and it draws over 2,000 out-of-towners, all of whom spend money on airfare, hotels, dining and shopping.

The Arkansas Senate will vote on SB43 Tuesday January 24. If it is passed, it will then head to the House committee and the General House Assembly before the governor can sign it into law.

UPDATE - It passed the Senate 29 to 6 on 1/24/2023 2:04:45 PM. it has now been passed to the Arkansas House.

[The now Arkansas Governor is Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The former Trump press secretary.  What do think will happen there?]


My Notes: 

How long before Transgender blogs are all designated to be adult / grooming / poronographic. "Ban them all the cry will go out". And, the Fascist-Republican President and the Fascist-Republican House / Senate and their Fascist-Republican majority Supreme Court will all fall into lock step.  

Here is something to also consider - When we go out, are we drag performers?  

In the 1940s, '50s and '60s, police arrested LGBTQ people based on an informal "three-article" rule. The Stonewall Riots helped turn the tide against these arrests.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Jenna Lyons

If the name Jenna Lyons seems vaguely familiar here is why:

MS Magazine 4/13/2011

The sweet J. Crew ad I celebrated last week has ignited a “pink scare,” with socially conservative commentators outrageously upset. The ad features a mother– J.Crew’s creative director, Jenna Lyons–and her son delighting in one another’s company on a Saturday afternoon by painting their toenails hot pink (and thereby selling J. Crew’s Essie nail polish). The ad doesn’t make much fanfare of the nail painting and is fairly inconspicuous. As Melissa Wardy, founder of Pigtail Pals- Redfine Girly, comments on Good Morning America‘s coverage of the gendered hoopla: 

"The camera has to zoom in SO much on the toes to make the news story, you completely lose sight of the delightful moment between loving, doting mother and happy, beautiful son."

Tuesday, January 24, 2023


Florida Blocks High School African American Studies Class

The Florida Board of Education approved training with vague language that critics worry will force educators to avoid books on race and LGBTQ people.. 

By: Anthony Izaguirre
Posted at 8:02 PM, Jan 19, 2023 and last updated 8:03 PM, Jan 19, 2023

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida

Gov. Ron DeSantis' Administration has blocked a new Advanced Placement [AP] course on African American studies from being taught in high schools, saying it violates state law and is historically inaccurate.

The state education department rejected the program in a letter last week to the College Board, which oversees AP classes.

Florida education officials did not specify exactly what content the state found objectionable but said, "As presented, the content of this course is inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value."

"In the future, should College Board be willing to come back to the table with lawful, historically accurate content, (the education department) will always be willing to reopen the discussion," the letter continued.

In a statement, the College Board said, "Like all new AP courses, AP African American Studies is undergoing a rigorous, multi-year pilot phase, collecting feedback from teachers, students, scholars and policymakers."

"The process of piloting and revising course frameworks is a standard part of any new AP course, and frameworks often change significantly as a result," the statement read.

The College Board website describes the course as interdisciplinary, touching on literature, arts, humanities, political science, geography and science. The pilot program is debuting at 60 schools across the country before it expands to additional schools. The organization has been working on constructing the course for more than a decade, according to its website.

DeSantis, a potential 2024 GOP presidential candidate, has opposed what he calls liberal ideologies in schools, including lessons around critical race theory, which examines systemic racism and has become a frequent target of conservatives.

Last year the governor signed legislation dubbed the Stop WOKE Act that restricts certain race-based conversations and analysis in schools and businesses. The law bars instruction that says members of one race are inherently racist or should feel guilt for past actions committed by others of the same race, among other things.

More recently the governor's budget office called on state colleges to submit spending information on programs related to diversity, equity and inclusion and critical race theory, raising concerns of potential funding cuts around such initiatives.

Sharon Courtney, a high school teacher in Peekskill, New York teaching the African American studies course, said her students were "shocked" to learn Florida blocked the class. She described it as a factual African history course that also details what Africans experienced upon their arrival in North America.

"There's nothing objectionable, it's history that hasn’t been traditionally taught in the United States in a K through 12 setting," she said, "but it's also history that once known and understood could change race relations and improve them."

Huffpost Continued and added to this story:

Ron DeSantis’ ‘Anti-Woke’ Education Agenda Just Got A Big Boost

By Nathalie Baptiste January 21, 2023

The final training, which the Board of Education approved this week, focuses on shielding kids from books about racial justice and books with LGBTQ themes. This made many conservatives happy, and it was a victory for Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, a likely 2024 presidential contender who has highlighted so-called parental rights and “anti-wokeness” in his political platform. He has sought to ax workplace diversity initiatives (an effort that was thwarted by a federal judge), has appointed conservatives to the board of a progressive college, pushed right-wing higher education officials to ban discussion of “critical race theory” and has championed the “Don’t Say Gay” law that prohibits public school teachers from talking about sexual orientation or gender identity.

Read more from Huffpost here:

Monday, January 23, 2023

I Love A Success Story - Mark Bayda


Mack is an American Actor, Transguy, Musician, YouTuber, and Plant Dad. He is famous for his outstanding performance in the film The Alpha Test (2020), A Week Away (2021), and A Man Called Otto (2022).

I just saw the movie "A Man Called Otto" and it is a touching movie. I highly recommend it. Mack Bayda is solid as the [out] transgender teenager Malcolm. Malcolm, was thrown out of his house by his father and helped by Otto.

Otto (Tom Hanks character) feels that his whole world has been turned upside down after the loss of his beloved wife Sonya. Otto finds that there are people that need him, one of which is Malcolm played by Bayda. Eventually, Otto takes Malcolm in, and through that and other acts of kindness Otto regains his place in a world he had thought he had lost.

It is so good to see a real transgender character play by a real transgender person.  

More on Mack Bayda:

He began making YouTube videos as a transgender man in 2015. He never imagined being able to come out and transition. However, in early 2017, he mustered the courage to come out to his friends, family, and coworkers.

In terms of his medical transition, he began testosterone on February 10, 2017, had top surgery on August 28, 2017, and had a hysterectomy on November 5, 2021.

He discusses my gender journey, medical transition updates, trans tips, LGBT activism, and other topics on his channel. He’s also an actor, a musician, and a plant father! 

Otto (Tom Hanks, center) surprises Jimmy (Cameron Britton, right) after turning over the keys to his car to Malcolm (Mack Bayda, left) in Columbia Pictures A MAN CALLED OTTO. photo by: Niko Tavernise

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Friday, January 20, 2023

Musical Interluder - "If My Friends Could See Me Now"

Hi girls, it is me...

Sweet Charity: If My Friends Could See Me Now · Gwen Verdon · Original Broadway Cast of Sweet Charity · 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Ultimate Florida Man

Gov. Ron DeSantis
The Ultimate "Florida Man" 

Wikipedia:  "[A] Florida Man" is an Internet meme first popularized in 2013, referring to an alleged prevalence of male persons performing irrational, maniacal, or absurd actions in the U.S. state of Florida.  

e.g. A Florida Man Threatens to Kill Man With 'Kindness,' Uses Machete Named 'Kindness'. One of many Wildest Florida Man Headlines of 2019

The Tampa  Bay Times Reports: 

Dangerous games.

DeSantis is pro-science only when it suits him. He’s anti-expert when they defy him. He’s Donald Trump but devoid of the charm. He wasted Floridians’ tax dollars to send immigrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard and his new Office of Election Crimes and Security arrested felons for voter fraud even though they had good reason to believe they were allowed to vote. He turned the COVID pandemic into an us vs. them *showdown, “them” being anyone who dared advocate for mask wearing or social distancing. He didn’t just push his COVID agenda, he threatened to remove, fine or sue local and county officials who were making hard decisions concerning public health during an unprecedented pandemic. He withheld funds from jurisdictions that weren’t in lockstep with him. He did this as more than 82,000 Floridians died from the virus. And parse and age-adjust the COVID numbers any way you wish, but his decisions meant that Floridians died unnecessarily.

*See - Ron DeSantis Proposes Permanently Banning COVID-19 Mandates

The Tallahassee Democratic Reports:

Abortion / A Woman's Right to Choose

After the U.S. Supreme Court overturned federal abortion rights in June, giving states full authority to create their own policies, DeSantis promised to “expand pro-life protections.”

DeSantis recently signed into law a ban on most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, with no exceptions for rape or incest, reducing what had been a 24-week standard in place for almost a half-century.

Now, the Republican governor is widely expected to seek a stricter ban, a so-called heartbeat bill prohibiting most abortions after six weeks. But as he campaigns for a second term, he’s not talking about it.

Time Magazine Reports:


The aggressive redistricting plan was the work of DeSantis, who pushed to give the GOP an even bigger advantage than the Republican legislature had dared and defied court challenges to keep it in place. The resulting map eliminates four Democratic-leaning seats to give the GOP as many as 20 seats in Congress to just 8 for Democrats, despite the state’s narrow partisan divide. It’s among the ways Democrats have been strong-armed out of power in Florida in recent years, leading many to argue that the state Trump now calls home has become more red than purple. Last year, the number of registered Republicans in Florida surpassed the number of Democrats for the first time in history, an edge that is now 270,000 strong.

MSNBC Reports:

DeSantis’ culture war isn’t just divisive, it’s also expensive.

In recent years, Gov. Ron DeSantis and Florida’s GOP-led legislature focused much of their attention on culture war priorities. As regular readers know, Republicans in the Sunshine State made it harder for Floridians to vote. And made it easier to ban books from school libraries and classrooms. And approved a new abortion ban. And created restrictions on the right to peaceably protest. And tried to regulate social media companies' “deplatforming” policies.

The Republican has lost far more of these legal fights than he’s won. The Herald added, “In case after case, courts have scaled back, thrown out, or left in legal limbo rules and laws that impose restrictions on social media giants; limit voting; curb gender-related health care; influence speech in the workplace, college campuses and classrooms; and create new crimes for peaceful protests.”

The litigation isn’t free: To date, Florida taxpayers have had to pay at least $16.7 million to defend DeSantis’ culture war agenda, which by any fair measure, has suffered a series of embarrassing defeats in the courts.

See Newsweek -  As legal bills mount, Florida paid about $35,000 for each migrant in Martha's Vineyard flights. Tweets about DeSantis' expenses to fund the transport of migrants from Florida [Texas] to more liberal states like Massachusetts, saying the governor has spent $12 million to charter the planes that landed in Martha's Vineyard, are gathering thousands of likes on the social media platform.  Class action lawsuits and legal fee have just started. Florida has agreed to pay up to $1 million to two law firms to defend it, following Gov. Ron DeSantis’ controversial decision. 


Rhonda Williams

This Ultimate Florida Man is not done. His power addiction runs deep. DeSantis has taken his crusade against ‘woke ideology’ to Pennsylvania, Ohio as he rallies for the fall GOP candidates. He bragged about his more recent move to suspend [elected] Hillsborough County State Attorney Andrew Warren (D), claiming he was not fulfilling his duties by declining to prosecute gender-affirming procedures or abortion casesDeSantis' personal dictates.   

DeSantis claims with his political mandate, Florida is where WOKE has come to die.  All of America needs to be "Woke" to the danger this ultimate Florida man poses to free thought, free will and democracy as we know it now. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Shopping Your Closet for A Cool Evening Escape


"This is how I love to dress!!!
 I would look cute in this outfit especially wearing those sexy heels!!!"

There ares some outfits that jump off the page (Pinterest) and begs to be found / purchased.  I love looking at fashion online and as most of us. I am enthralled by the feminine fashion differential. Maybe our first impulse should not be purchase, but, do I already have it?

All of the above items are in my closet. The turtle neck years old, may be worn, by necessity, once a winter season here in Florida. The white jeans (leggings), Chicos last year; nice look / fit. The classic Caressa pumps, at least 20 years old.    

Our model, *Sophie Elkus, is enjoying her coffee and looks so "put-together"; confident. This is a look to emulate. Florida is experiencing a cool week, so I have my outfit for a Saturday afternoon wine tasting "Escape", already decided.  

It is fun to always shop your closet first. You never know what beautiful outfits are already there.   

*Sophie Elkus


Tuesday, January 17, 2023

I Love A Success Story - Justin Vivian Bond

Defining Justin Bond's gender is no less difficult than figuring out what makes the 47-year-old performer's cabaret act so compelling. It can be hilarious, heart-wrenching, vulnerable, sardonic, Wiccan, and world-weary all at the same time.

APRIL 12 2011

Justin Vivian Bond, in a Maria Cornejo
dress and Lanvin shoes and accessories,
 in Le Petit Versailles Garden in Manhattan.Credit
...Elizabeth Lippman for The New York Times

Whether singing about the ancient gender-variant priests, the Galli, as Bond did in the 2010 show Re:Galli Blonde (A Sissy Fix), or performing as Kiki DuRane alongside Kenny Mellman's Herb as the tragic, washed-up lounge act Kiki and Herb, which launched them both into international notoriety, there is something powerfully both about the performer: masculine/feminine, mordant/fabulous, comic/tragic.

Read the whole interview

Recently, Bond has decided to begin transitioning. V will not behaving any surgery.It's more on an enhancement process. 

I like my penis, and I am keeping it, but I am creating a transbody —a physical record on my body and a medical record that I am a transgendered person. I am turned on by people who are genuinely themselves. That's what dendrophile means. Having my own nature. I guess I have realized it's not nature versus nurture. It's nurturing your nature."


Wikipedia - Justin Vivian Bond (born May 9, 1963) is an American singer-songwriter and actor. Described as "the best cabaret artist of [their] generation" and a "tornado of art and activism", they[a] first achieved prominence under the pseudonym of Kiki DuRane in the stage duo Kiki and Herb, an act born out of a collaboration with long-time co-star Kenny Mellman. With a musical voice self-described as "kind of woody and full with a lot of vibration", Bond is a Tony-nominated (2007) performer who has received GLAAD (2000), Obie (2001), Bessie (2004), Ethyl (2007), and a Foundation for Contemporary Arts Grants to Artists (2012) awards. Bond is transgender.

Bond is transgender and has said, "for me to claim to be either a man or a woman, feels like a lie. My identity falls somewhere in the middle and is constantly shifting." They undergo feminizing hormone therapy to appear more feminine, and reported feeling great as a result, noting that "I like the way my body looks. Emotionally, it's evened me out." They do not intend to undergo sex reassignment surgery, explaining that "I like my penis, and I am keeping it, but I am creating a transbody—a physical record on my body and a medical record that I am a transgendered person." In 2011, Bond adopted the middle name of Vivian, identifying as Justin Vivian Bond instead of Justin Bond. They use the gender-inclusive honorific Mx. (in place of Ms./Mr.) and neopronoun v (with self instead of her/himself), a reference to Bond's middle name.

From the NY Times article: Turning Androgyny Into Art

In concert at the end of 2014, Bond disclosed having received an invitation to return home for Thanksgiving, conditional upon leaving behind "that fake woman." Acknowledging that "a lot of trans-kids get kicked out of their homes," they mused. "I didn't until I was 51. So I think I'm gonna make it." Elsewhere, they have said that "if it wasn't for my family and the rage they engendered in me, I wouldn't be here."

Justin Vivian Bond - The Woman in the Moon - Joe's Pub (9.14.18)

Monday, January 16, 2023

The Chic Rider



Bike (motorcycle) riding here in Southern Florida is an awesome year-round activity. My second favorite escape. This past New Year's Day I rode about 40 miles north up to Hobe Sound.  My first stop was the beautiful Hobe Sound Beach Park. After, I rode back south along Beach Road, with mansions to the right, left, and the occasional peek at the ever-present Atlantic to my left.  

Hobe Sound Florida 

The day's temperature was in the high 70s.  A good day for my new denim (X'Mas present to myself) jacket which felt good at times. 

Some days I ride a little further north and drop in at the Stuart, "Treasure Coast Harley" store. On many Saturday afternoons there is a ride-in with live 70s rock music and free hot dogs and cold beer. I love the looks I get being a white-haired rider "babe" on a big ride. Strangely, I don't look that out of place, although a least 100 pounds off the typical. (Insert laughing emoji)   

Side note: I consider myself to be just the occasional joy / solo rider. Here is good discussion on Biker vs Rider. There is a difference.

The Denim Jacket has a tight-fitting crop cut with the requisite embroidery on the back. The embroidery is a little more colorful than a man's jacket would be and the cut of the jacket is more body contouring. The cute t-shirt has a string lace-up front neckline. A nice feminine differential. 

Next the boots - Harley Women's Abbey 3.5" Sassy Boots that I am yet to take on a ride. Harley had them one-half-off after the holidays. They are cute, comfortable and unmistakably feminine. I have my (little more than a man's heel) boots, Women's Tegan Lace-up Boots, that are my everyday ride. They have gotten a lot of wear. The high heel boots above may be more for dress than ride. If I do wear then on a ride I will post photos. 

Daytona Bike Week 

Coming up is "Daytona Bike Week". It is a big deal Florida winter event for bikers. This year March 3/3 - 3/12. I have never attended. However, for some, it is an annual pilgrimage with lots of events, riding, swap meets, and wild parties. Daytona is about a two and half hour ride from where I live. Last year I signed up for a "Woman's Ride" (about 30 miles) on country roads in and around Daytona Beach. The weather that day was awful so I did not go, plus it was called off for safety reasons at the last moment. 

Biker Belles The Morning Ride

This year "The Morning Ride at Daytona Bike Week" is scheduled again, weather permitting, Wednesday, March 8, 2023.

The Morning Ride Daytona is to celebrate women riders and raise funds for worthy charities. Visitors to the 82nd annual Daytona Bike Week can join a guided ride led by Ride Captain Maggie Hicks and other influential women in the motorcycle industry.

Maybe this year?  Reservation are at BikerBells. It states, man and women are welcome. Does anyone want to join me?    

See also my post "Biker Babe".. .

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Political Week In Review 1-15-2023


“Oh the irony,” Mr Kinzinger tweeted. “The fact that some Christians don't see the problem here is more affirmation that it’s not the GOP that has failed Christians, it’s the church. Good Pastors and Priests rise up and call this out.”

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Friday, January 13, 2023

Billy Porter Never Disappoints


Steals the Show

In an apparent nod to his famous 2019 Oscars outfit, Billy Porter again wore a Christian Siriano tuxedo gown — this time in magenta. Credit: Amy Sussman/Getty Images

Thursday, January 12, 2023

The City Of West Palm Beach Honors PBCHRC

On January 9th the City Council of West Palm Beach paid tribute to the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council (PBCHRC). As a board member, It was my honor to be in attendance for the presentations. Below are the honors bestowed on PBCHRC as an organization and on our founder / president, Rand Hoch. I am very proud to be associated with such a worthwhile organization.     

The Proclamation / Tribute  - See below
 PBCHRC Board Members who were in attendance 
with PBCHRC President Rand Hoch and Mayor Keith James.  
Photo by Gail Haines

Council Meeting Agenda Item One:  

A [Proclamation] Tribute* presentation to Palm Beach County Human Rights Council in celebration of its 35th Anniversary. Tribute to be accepted by Rand Hoch, President, and Founder of the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council. Originating Department - Mayor's office. 

Rand Hoch with the "Key to The City"
Presenting is  Keith James, West Palm Beach Mayor
Photo by Gail Haines

Council Meeting Agenda Item Two:   

A Key to the City presentation to Rand Hoch, President and Founder of the Palm Beach County Human  Rights Council, in recognition of his notable career achievements, his exhibition of extraordinary leadership in service to our community, and his exemplary dedication to pursuing and promoting equality, fairness and justice for members of the LGBTQ community. Originating Department - Mayor's office. 

 Outside The City Council Chambers
Group photo of all that attended the City Council Meeting Proclamation Award 
Photo by Gail Haines

The Palm Beach County Human Rights Council's (PBCHRC) mission statement is this:

The Palm Beach County Human Rights Council, Inc. is dedicated to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. The Council promotes equality, through education, advocacy, direct action, impact litigation, and community outreach.

 *The Tribute 


Wednesday, January 11, 2023


My Mother Took This Photo

I played football as a kid. Our county had a peewee league for the 12 and under with about 6 teams representing various communities. Being small, and somewhat of a sissy, my mother had many reservations. See my post "Growing Up The Chameleon". Although shy I learned that I was fearless. At nine years old I would do as I was told and hit and tackle boys twice my size. That did not go unnoticed.  

As a newly minted rough-and-tumble boy, I found myself now accepted by my peers. Wow; had I turned a corner?  No, the girl within was still there and never left, although I did enjoy my newfound acceptance. The next winter I had a growth spurt (early for boys) and got more play where brute fearlessness was expected.  I noticed that during practice other boys avoided me and would move their places in line to avoid going one-on-one with me. I was no longer the sissy of the team. My coach mentored me and the next year, being the sports writer for our county newspaper, choose me for the "All County" team. 

I played in high school; Freshman and VJ, and was one of the team co-captains. My position was defensive middle linebacker and safety. I was fast and could tackle. Still fearless, but now dwarfed by many teammates who had now received their teen growth spurt. Tackling became more difficult and I started to recognize that sports may not be my calling.

After our final JV season game, 10th grade, the varsity coach took over our final practice to see who was coming his way for his next season. Never had I been involved in such a brutal practice. There were rumors about his practices. Our largest player and center had his nose brutally broken during a drill. The next day his face was a mess and never the same. Others limped in before the practice was over. I got the feeling the coach did not like me and set me up for an injury. He threw a very high pass for me to catch. Jumping up in the air, while still stretching with both arms up, I was tackled hard coming down breaking my collarbone. I looked up and the sadistic, SOB coach was laughing. I was in pain with weeks of recovery involved. I vowed to never play for him and did not. I was over football. 

William Munford Tuck Dillard
May 20, 1950 - October 1, 1966
16 Year Old
The next football season after I graduated from high school, this coach sent an eleventh-grade kid back in to play after one very serious hit a few plays earlier. He collapsed on the bench after a few more plays and died the next day from the injuries he receive that night. 

I believe the coach was fired later that year, and the family's consolation was the school board named the high school stadium after their son. Three years earlier, after my last encounter with this coach, I predicted he would kill a player sooner or later. 

Scientific American, January 6, 2023 stated this after the most recent Damar Hamlin’s collapse:

Football is a spectacle where excessive violence is mundane, because hits that cause injuries are a constant occurrence, and spectators are desensitized to it. Consumers of the sport assume players will withstand any bodily affront, so they are shocked when a player’s physical limits are exceeded, often on very public stages. People with a vested interest in professional football rationalize excessive violence in this structured space, as well as the ones that encompass college, high school, and peewee play, all because they assume that rules, equipment, and regulations exist to prevent death. But this is false protection. While this form of entertainment has been normalized, Hamlin’s injury demonstrates that ordinary violence has potentially deadly consequences… 

Football brought me out of a shell and for that I am grateful. Maybe a safer alternative could have worked just as well. Today’s question is, "how much longer will we normalize this violence for entertainment?" Because of timely and expert medical care, Damar Hamlin survived. Surely this will not be the last such incident. 
