Trump turns his back on LGBTQ Community |
While Pride Month is absent from the president's list of June proclamations, National Home Ownership Month, National Ocean Month and Great Outdoors Month are not.
by Tim Fitzsimons NBC News Jun.01.2018
This year alone, President Donald Trump has recognized January as National Mentoring Month, March as National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and April as Second Chance Month. He has already declared the month of June to be National Homeownership Month, National Ocean Month, Great Outdoors Month and National Caribbean-American Heritage Month.
But one proclamation is — once again — conspicuously absent from the White House website: LGBTQ Pride Month.
When running for office, Trump promised to be an LGBTQ-friendly Republican and, during Pride Month 2016, tweeted his support for the community.
Chad Griffin, president of national LGBTQ advocacy group Human Rights Campaign, said while causes like National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, which was recognized in May by the White House, are worthy of recognition, Pride Month's absence is a red flag.
Barack Obama issued a proclamation every year he was in office. His June 2015 proclamation read:
All people deserve to live with dignity and respect, free from fear and violence, and protected against discrimination, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.
During Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, we celebrate the proud legacy LGBT individuals have woven into the fabric of our Nation, we honor those who have fought to perfect our Union, and we continue our work to build a society where every child grows up knowing that their country supports them, is proud of them, and has a place for them exactly as they are.
"It is clear that failing to recognize Pride Month is intentional, just as it was last year," Griffin told NBC News. "Trump and Pence are obsessed with erasing us. But we will not be erased, and in November, the White House is due for a rude awakening on their blatant discrimination.”
Read the whole article here: President Trump misses LGBTQ Pride Month — Again
well surprise surprise...this is that twisted Evangelical Mike Pence's doing. Can't wait till they're gone...