During my employment at an international science institute one of my responsibilities was to coordinate guest speakers coming to the US for fund raising presentations. Along with its beautiful beaches, Palm Beach does have a very active scientific community and biotech presence. To facilitate meeting I became a member of the Palm Beach Business Guild. Along with monthly business presentations, we have an active venture capital forum - “shark tank or angel forum” type presentations.
It was there I met a brilliant inventor/architect that had a design to generate 250-500 mega-watt of electric power utilizing stacked horizontal wind turbines along a vertical rotational axis. Yes Mega-Watt. These could be built in an urban environment and are as unobtrusive as any typical 20 story office building. No noise, no pollution and power generated without the distribution losses. A housing project, business park, warehouse distribution center, Olympic Village, or remote village could have its own source of power - off-grid or no grid needed.
My brilliant inventor needed a business plan, business support, and a right hand “gal” to help with the startup. Most needed was start-up funding. I had some experience in all of the above, so volunteered to help, thus the self appointed title "Chief Operating Office" (COO).
Most interesting to this blog was “The Presentation”. Once a year the Business Guild has a technology summit at the Palm Beach Breakers Hotel. With about 200 in attendance, Rhonda presented our business concept and engineering marvel. My theme was "Back to the Future" as in power generation the way Thomas Edison envisioned it over 100 year ago. Localized generation - Localized utilization. It went well with many follow-up meeting and one-on-one presentations.
So today, where do we stand? This is still a volunteer job for Rhonda. We are currently seeking first round funding to build a working prototype and move forward. Patents have been secured (applied and granted). I have a meeting about every two weeks and still feel the upside potential is huge. I will keep you posted with photos. If you would like more information just use the contact section on the blog.
wow, what courage