
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Opening Night

My photography gallery opening is this evening. I am proud. Maybe it is the fact that it is my hometown or just a small recognition of something I have considered my art. My mother kept a beautiful scrapbook that has meant so much to me over the years. Recently I put together a bound photo book for my family and it documented many memories. Never underestimate their value. 

It has not been that long ago that photography became art. The museum that I worked at in Palm Beach actually had a photography curator and a worthwhile gallery of just photography. Whenever I visit a museum I will make an effort to see the photography gallery.    

Documenting my trips is something I make an effort to do and will take the opportunity to take myself to interesting places. However many of my best photographs have come about through sheer luck; being in the right place at the right time. As photographers say “f8 and be there.” 

I mentioned my first good camera was a Polaroid (Automatic 100). Maybe partly so I could take photos of myself and not have to send out the film to be processed and printed. Selfies. For the obvious reasons, it has always been noted that when a group photo was needed, likely the only person in the room that knew how to work the camera’s self-timer was the person that cross dressed.  A proficiency we learned early. 

After getting a good 35mm camera, I learned the value of having a dark room, processing your own film and making my own prints.     

So wish me well for tonight’s opening.  Again, if anyone is interested I have a catalog of the show available. Just e-mail me through the comment box and I will send along the PDF. I hope to have opening night photos available next week.  

Red Sky in the Morning 


  1. Best wishes for great show & visit. lhjr@g

  2. Love "Red Sky in the Morning". Glad it went well for you. I probably inherited my interest in photography from my maternal grandmother who did her own D&P in the coal cellar. My interest started at the age of about 13. Would be grateful for a pdf of the Catalogue.
    Best wishes
    Melissa xox
