
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

It's A Wonderful Time of the Year...

 Ti's the Season !

There are so many opportunities for escapes this time of the year. Having just come off the high of your Halloween "Escape", there are good reasons to continue. Here are a few: 

You are covered up:  As the cool and winter weather creeps in, circumstances  allow you to wear a coat thus covering your beautiful feminine finery, if shy. Maybe just a bra; as Stana says. "Feel like a woman, wear a bra". Feminine pants, boots can all be androgynous with longer pants many times falling below the (high) heel of your boot.     

Parties are a plenty:  Maybe a holiday party with your support group. You know the group you have not attended in years. Wear that holiday dress of even the gown that you have. "All dressed up and somewhere to go."  With just a little effort you will be the best dressed there.  

Keep in mind your holiday office party!  Why not?

Shopping: Many of my early escapes were in and around the December holidays.  If you are still shopping in just male mode under the guise, "for my wife", then now is you opportunity. I had someone (a guy) in my lingerie shop just yesterday that I knew was shopping for himself.  He wanted PJs and insisted they be silky. 

Also keep in mind as you venture out dressed in this season, everyone is busy and involved with their own shopping; far less observant. Think a "free pass".  .      

Girlfriends out together:  Restaurants are finally getting back to their new normal, and are happy to have patrons. Call your girlfriends and head out. The more expensive the place the happier they are to see you. Trust me, you will blend in with the crowd enjoying a "glass of wine" after the mall shopping. Or, have a quiet dinner before heading back for the evening. Tip nicely to be remembered, especially if greeted by "what can I get you Ma'am".  Don't be shy; it is your right, privilege and announcement to the world that you are proud.  Head held high.      .

Have your own party at home:  Invite your friends and on the invitation state "wear you best holiday dress/outfit". And, while cooking make sure you have a holiday inspired apron. You would not want to a spill on your lovely red dress. 

It only takes two to declare a party.  

 Ti's the season to Escape!



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