
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Volunteering - What to Wear?

I am back going to work every day after a few years of not having regular employment. I love being busy and still have office/computer skills that are relevant. Many work with the goal of retirement. I do not particularly care for the leisure life and much prefer being busy/working. There have been several “volunteer” discussion on other blogs recently and I very much encourage it.   

Volunteering gives escapes meaning, interactions, and promotes acceptance. Volunteering is a wonderful way to give back and many times gets you into venues you would not normally attend, expanding your horizons. E.g. -  I never knew how much I enjoyed classical piano until I started helping with tickets, seating and welcoming guest at the Palm Beach Piano Guild.

Back to working again;  I am filling in at a local non-profit for an employee that is out sick. I did this once before, helping in their fundraising department utilizing skills I picked up at other volunteer jobs. It is unlikely that the employee will be returning, so the position may be offered. I am not looking to begin a long term commitment, however I do enjoy the daily interactions.  Exactly how this will ultimately play out, is still open.

Getting dressed for work, I have discovered that my wardrobe had taken a casual turn with other outfits tending to be “more dressy”; events, trips, evening dinners. This office is somewhere middle-of-the-road, with business attire and casual Friday’s. The “Casual Friday” designation sends a message that the other days need not be, "too casual".  

A degree of professionalism is needed because I do interact with a large number of staff plus the public at times. Just a few weeks back, I was called to the front desk to take and thank a walk-in donor for a donation. We had a wonderful conversation and she related that she had worked at a non-profit before as well.  

The above outfit (and similar) are my “go to” professional looks. I love the tailored look of side zip pants, and vary the heels as needed. The short sleeved sweater is Lauren and functions well in my now cooler semi-tropics. I love being all dressed up with someplace to go and will keep you posted on the progress.  

Opportunities are everywhere to volunteer. Take advantage and just do it.   

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